Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Movie: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part 1)

it's been 3 years since the book was released in 2007.
Nice movie, at least it didn't bore me like it did to some of the audience in the theatre, maybe they didn't read the book, or they didn't understand :P

The first time i got hold of a Harry Potter book, i was in Form 4, preparing for my 1st semester final exams! It was the 3rd sequel -- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. My dad borrowed it from the school library for my sis to read, but she didn't. And so i was revising my Add Maths, and i got bored and flipped through the book, and that's it! Glued to it, and finished it! :P

Since then, i made it a habit to have a novel with me when i prepared for my exams. At least the thrill and the urge to finish the book kept me going in finishing my revision faster so that i could read the book -- i set a rule: finished revising a chapter, and and i got to read few pages of the novel :P Sounds lame, but it got me going :P

However, things have changed and i don't have to have a novel beside me whenever i revise, because i've got just too much to revise and too lil' time to read a novel :P

Well, well.. Sometimes i really hoped that i could use some magic to get things done... In my dreams, perhaps ;)

Here's what i wrote 3 years ago after reading the book

Saturday, November 06, 2010

Life, to me

Life is hectic as a final year undergraduate. I pray for a peaceful mind to complete whatever i need to complete, smoothly. Life encompasses a myriad of things from various aspects. Life is about living a life. As a 22-year-old young lady, life to me is the reflection of the experiences and things i learnt throughout these 22 years. And these have molded me into who i am today.
I'm grateful to be given this life, to be loved by my family and friends, and to learn to love them. I share my life with them, for "no man is an island". I feel happier when i share my joy with them; i feel less depressed when i share my sorrow with them, although more often than not they are unable to solve my problem.
Living a life is a life-long learning process. I live for the present, i live as a 22-year-old.